I am happy to announce that the special issue of the Austrian peer-reviewed literary journal Sprachkunst on Primo Levi has now been published. Edited by Manuela Consonni and Federico Italiano, it features articles by Mario Barenghi, Uri S. Cohen, Martina Mengoni, Camilla Miglio, Iris Milner and Domenico Scarpa.
"[...] This special issue on Levi, which is the result of an intense and fruitful workshop held in November 2015 at the University of Innsbruck, Primo Levi: Tradition, Translation, Transmission, in cooperation with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is being published thirty years after Primo Levi’s death. Delving into the complex relationship that exists between testimony, storytelling, and beingtowards-death, the following articles investigate three main aspects of Levi’s work: the role of testimony within the complex framework of post-WWII Italian literary culture, the existential and philological problems involving being translated into another culture and language, and Levi’s achievement as a writer tout court. Precisely because of the great diversity in how and when Levi’s work has been received, the choice on what to include was not an easy one. We decided to focus mainly on the essays that we believe will have a significant influence and leave an impact on Levi critics, representing an important contribution, each on its own, to the ongoing discussion on the author from Turin, on his literary quality, and on his deontology of witnessing." For more, see here.